Rick and Morty Art Rick and Morty Desktop Background


In the early 1930s upwards to the terminate of Globe War Ii, a political move started in Germany that utilized fear, intimidation, detest and partitioning to have power, oppress an entire race, and ultimately pb Europe into the bloodiest war of the 20th century. The Nazi party, led past Adolf Hitler, adopted red and black every bit their official colors. Though the Nazis were ultimately defeated, their influence ultimately prevailed in both its tactics and imagery.

In many postwar mediums, an oppressive authoritarian government's colors are depicted as red and black, with white or silver often employed as an accent color. Information technology doesn't matter if the underlying symbol is a swastika, a cross, or a tool; this particular color scheme is meant to symbolize that the regime in question is totalitarian and unquestionably the bad guys.

Paraphernalia worn by the government in question may include pins and formalism dress. Flags and banners may be flown depicting the colors as well.

A subtrope to Red and Black and Evil All Over. Putting on the Reich is likewise relevant here, for the reasons stated above. Intersects with Red Is Violent and Evil Wears Blackness when the colors are separated. Contrast Carmine Is Heroic and White and Ruddy and Eerie All Over for a color swap (though its worth noting that many examples listed here besides sprinkle white into their color scheme).

Ironically, sure movements on the opposite end of the political spectrum, like the Anarchist move and Antifa, also utilize carmine and black as their color scheme. These could overlap in the example of sure flavors of Flop-Throwing Anarchist.


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    Anime & Manga

  • Izetta: The Concluding Witch: The Germanian Empire, an Alternate Timeline equivalent for Nazi Germany, features a carmine flag with a black dagger in the middle. While the majority of their soldiers wear dark grey uniforms, their almost elite troops, their version of the SS, clothing black uniforms with decorations on them, indicating their condition as the Kaiser'southward personal troops and as Elite Mooks. In add-on, there'southward Sophie, a clone of the original White Witch fighting alongside the regular Germanian Army and Air Force, who wears a blackness cloak while besides having red eyes, red-striped clothing, and a red shield-shaped logo on her cloak'south right shoulder.
  • Mobile Suit Gundam: Given that the Principality of Zeon embodies the worst aspects of Nazi Deutschland and Imperial Japan, it'southward unsurprising to notation that their Kriegsmarine-esque flag is coloured in... you guessed it, red, blackness and white.

    Comic Books

  • Star Wars: Legacy:
    • Darth Krayt's followers, the Ane Sith, customarily tattoo their bodies in patterns of red and black. The One Sith are essentially a personality cult that swears utter devotion to their charismatic leader, to the point where Darth Talon'southward Establishing Character Moment is murdering her ain Sith Master despite having feelings for him simply considering Krayt ordered her to.
    • Subverted with the Imperial Knights. They wearable distinctive red and black armored uniforms and swear devotion to the Fel Dynasty that rules the Galactic Empire, but despite the Empire being introduced equally antagonists and the franchise typically leaning on Color-Coded for Your Convenience, they're actually a Jedi splinter sect founded past the royal family'due south matriarch Jaina Solo. While the Royal Knights are devoted bodyguards to Emperor Roan and Princess Marasiah, part of their remit also includes stopping them from falling to the dark side, upward to and including lethal force if necessary.
  • Superman from Superman: Crimson Son uses a gray, black and cherry suit in place of the mainline superman'due south blue and cherry-red, and fights "for Stalin, Communism, and the expansion of the Warsaw Pact" as an extension of the Soviet government.

    Films — Live-Action

  • 1984: The Ingsoc Party, the authoritarian political party of Oceania, has a flag that is black, ruddy, and white.
  • Captain America: The First Avenger: HYDRA, and by extension the Nazi regime, brand heavy use of red and black on their uniforms and imagery. The HYDRA emblem itself is commonly depicted as a ruby-red skull and tentacles logo surrounded by a black groundwork. Even after Schmidt splits HYDRA off from the Nazis in hugger-mugger, they retain the red and black, not helped by the fact that Schmidt himself has a carmine Skull for a Head.
  • Star Wars: The antagonists for all iii trilogies are designated every bit cherry-red and black.
    • In the original Trilogy, the Galactic Empire
    • In the prequel trilogy, the Sith Society
    • In the sequel series, the First Order
  • V for Vendetta: The Norsefire Political party adopts the ruby and black color scheme, as seen in Chancellor Sutler's televised appearances and annal footage of when they take power in England. Notation this is an Adaptation Deviation: in the original graphic novel, the party'due south colors were blue and white.
  • The 1995 flick adaptation of Richard III, starring Ian McKellen in the championship role, is fix in an Alternate History in which Great britain goes fascist in the 1930s. Naturally, this trope is in full force.

    Alive-Action Telly

  • In the Arrowverse'south crossover Crisis on Earth-X, the villains Overgirl and Nighttime Arrow (Earth-X's Nazi counterparts of Supergirl and Greenish Arrow), habiliment black costumes with ruby details. Eobard Thawne joined them every bit Night Wink, adding a bit of black to his yellow and red costume and changing his black-and-carmine Chest Insignia to make it like to the logo of the Nazi organization Schutzstaffel (SS).
  • Farscape: The Peacekeepers, who are The Empire in the show, accept red and black uniforms and interior decor. Their insignia is based on a rather famous Russian Ceremonious War-era communist propaganda poster, Beat the Whites with the Reddish Wedge, which depicts a red wedge penetrating a white circle (white beingness the color of the Russian anticommunist coalition).
  • Star Trek: Picard: In the Alternate Timeline that Q creates in Season 2, the fascistic and xenophobic Confederation of Earth adopts a red and black color scheme, with the military wearing all blackness uniforms.


  • Pinkish Floyd: In The Wall, a red and blackness "crossed hammers" logo is associated with the unnamed fascist regime that Pink imagines himself equally the leader of during the anthology'southward fourth side; the gatefold interior additionally depicts these hammers marching in goose-step. The film adaptation accentuates this further, showing the government'southward members donning and flying red and blackness colors everywhere they get, punctuated by animated renditions of the marching hammers.
  • Yellow Magic Orchestra had a fondness for incorporating totalitarian imagery into their image without adhering to either far-left or far-right ideologies. In particular, the Concert Picture show Propaganda features the band parodying both fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, donning blackness armed services uniforms with ruby shirts and armbands. A parody of the Nazi flag with silhouettes of the band in place of a swastika also prominently appears in the motion picture'due south sets.

    Video Games

  • The Russian Ultranationalists in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare combine this trope with Dirty Commies, combining a black and red color scheme with Soviet iconography as their symbolism.
  • Killzone: The simbology of the Helghast Empire is full of blood-red and black. From beingness the ii primary colours of the Helghast Triad, to the iconic uniform of their troops. All black Nazi like uniforms, complemented with gas masks with sinister glowing crimson eyes.
  • Papers, Please has Arstotzka, a Commie State whose color schemes contain shades of red, blackness, and gray, and its government is chronicled by a border patrol agent.
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Sith Empire's color palette uses a lot of blacks, dark grays, and reds, in contrast to the golds, whites, and blues of the Galactic Commonwealth. This is exemplified by two of the default Regal-exclusive playable races, crimson-skinned Sith Purebloods and Zabraks (Democracy affiliated Zabraks have more natural-looking brownish skin tones). And the Empire is definitely totalitarian: every bit the Sith Warrior PC tin observe to their companion Vette if they free her, everyone in the Empire, whether slave or costless, works for at least one Sith.
  • Stellaris: The authoritarian and xenophobic Commonwealth of Man empire uses crimson and black in its logo.
  • Valkyria Chronicles: The East Europan Imperial Alliance, which, tellingly enough, is referred to as "The Empire", has black and ruddy arable in their uniforms and sigils, only likewise contain aureate highlights, which represents their dignity and elitism.
  • XCOM ii: The ADVENT Administration, the totalitarian authorities ruling Earth after it was successfully invaded by the aliens, predominantly uses cherry-red and black in its symbols and equipment. This stands in contrast with the heroic XCOM, which uses blue.

    Spider web Original

  • gen:LOCK: The Matrimony is a theocracy that aims to save people via religiously-induced suicide. They heavily favor blacks and reds, but equally their motivations are explored they get increasingly associated with golden likewise.
  • "Stellaris Invicta": The flag of the Greater Terran Wedlock has a predominantly carmine and black coloration (with some white added in for flavour).

    Western Animation

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • The Fire Nation uses a red and blackness color scheme, as shown on the air balloons that the Mechanist is forced to create. By the time of Avatar: The Legend of Korra and the more benevolent rules of Burn down Lords Zuko and Izumi, the Fire Nation tends to be more primarily associated with a darker cherry and a muted gold to show their altitude from the disciplinarian regimes of Fire Lords Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai.
    • Though starting off as liberty fighters, the Equalists speedily turn authoritarian at the end of the first flavour of Legend of Korra. Always using black and scarlet, they deface public monuments in manners eerily like to real life tyrannical regimes.
    • Inverted by the Red Lotus, which are associated with black and red but are thoroughly anarchical.
  • Rick and Morty: In "Edge of Tomorty: Rick, Die, Repeat", when Rick dies and Performance Phoenix reroutes him to other universes, those universes turn out to be fascist empires, consummate with red and black flags and symbols.
  • What If...? (2021): In "What If Captain Carter Were The Offset Avenger?", HYDRA and the Nazis still make heavy use of reds and blacks, much like in the main timeline. The main difference hither is that the HYDRA emblem is now a blackness skull and tentacles in a white circle surrounded by ruddy, more closely resembling the Nazi German language flag.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedAndBlackTotalitarianism

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